Thursday, November 24, 2011

Farewell Note to Metiwan

Dear Metiwan, 
          It has just been two years, but, you have been a true friend to me. You are lovable, adorable yet irritating and sometimes hateful. I cannot remember how we became friends, but my life would have suck if I didn't get to know you.I definitely will miss your irritating squabbling, violent retaliations and fighting spirit! I love the way how Denise would own you with little actions , I enjoyed the drama between you and Zhen Fong, and I hate it when you say of my primary and secondary friends..... Most of all, I will miss the kind and selfless friend I had so close to me. Honestly, I feel extremely sad that you are leaving. Secretly inside, I was wishing that you were lying about leaving, I just didn't want to accept the fact. As it got apparent , I hoped that you could cancel your flight or miss it, but it would have been extremely selfish of me, wouldn't it? Anyways, do visit us in Singapore often would ya! Call us and we will be there for you! I will always remember and (brotherly) love you! Don't forget us ya!

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