Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Walk Across Botanic Gardens

On a fine day, Kenjie and I decided that we needed a walk somewhere. So, we decided to go to the Singapore Botanic Gardens.

Blooming in process

Stalk of purple flower

Long stigmas

Shades of pink

Fairy's playground

Sprouting leaves


Scouting for love

Pink flower sprouting

We took a trip into the orchid garden, I stole Kenjie's 100mm Macro, whereas Kenjie stole my wide-angle!

Looking for different perspective!

Fat bloom!

Orchid and stalk

White and green, pure yet full of life!

Pink and red, innocent but sultry

I believe this picture is too sharp for mainstream photography!

Fly resting on orchid petal


Don't disturb me!

I'm happy


Leaves, very sharp ones

Pitcher plant happy under the sun

The eye of an orchid, the pollen sac

Intimidating face

Next, I used Kenjie's 55-250mm zoom lens. There was a massive drop in picture quality as zoom lens have more element, reducing image quality.

Cheeky squirrel hiding!

Stealing bread

Giving life

Going for a swim

A tip for anchoring your picture, include a bit for the ground

Waddling down the pond


  1. Wow, thats a lot of birds and flowers! What lens do you use to take the bird shots? They look really good, so I guess either you used a good zoom lens or did you manage to get close enough to photograph them with a normal lens?

  2. the swans and kingfisher were taken with a normal kit lens.
    the rest are by the zoom!
    I think the quality aint great, only the ducks are good!
