Saturday, August 7, 2010

3rd Hike In Bukit Timah

We are back in Bukit Timah again, after seeing so many creatures on our last visit, we felt an urge to visit Bukit Timah Nature Reserve again.


Little guy sticking his head out of the water to see what we are up to

The once granite quarry has turn into an artificial lake

Plants leaves like fingers

Trunk from below

Green star in the jungle

Amazing little bird, the Drongo

Possibly a Banded Leaf Monkey, but too vague to see

Giant forest ant, biggest we have ever seen

Nice little mini waterfall in the route

The stream that run through after the mini-waterfall.

The rocks were covered in moss! Slipery too.

Ah! This was the path we took. It was a pretty long path.
We ventured through here as we thought it would only take
around 30mins for us to get through.

A muddy trail, just our luck! It rained during the morning
making the path muddy. This was part of the trail we took.

Ah! This beetle was pretty small. I guess its
still not fully grown yet.

A vine of a fern made this coiling that was very beautiful to take.

After about an hour and a half, we found the concrete trail
that would lead as back to the foot
of the hill. We found Passion flowers on our way down.

We didn't expect to see anymore animals on the way out of the reserve.
But lo and behold! A Colugo or better known as a Flying Lemur.
We were just looking at the sky as it was beginning to get dark when
we spotted this beauty.

We made such a ruckus that it turned its head at about
180 degrees and looked at us.

Finally we left it without it moving an inch, other than its head.

1 comment:

  1. I wish more authors of this type of content would take the time you did to research and write so well. I am very impressed with your vision and insight. Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Condo
